Spiderman Strike n Splash Blaster
• NERF-POWERED BLASTER: When Spidey senses and Nerf power combine, get ready for ultimate action-packed fun, indoors or out
• 2 WAYS TO PLAY: Blast enemies with nerf darts or fill with water for extra 2-in-1 blasting fun
• MARVEL-INSPIRED DESIGN: Create epic web-blasting adventures with this Strike and Splash Nerf Blaster, inspired by Marvel’s iconic Spider-Man
• A FUN GIFT FOR SPIDER-MAN FANS: Spider-Man fans will love blasting darts and water at enemies, pretending they are the web-slinging, wall crawling super hero
• LOOK FOR OTHER WEB SPLASHERS TOYS: Be on the lookout for other Spider-Man water play toys in Hasbro’s exclusive Web Splashers collection (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)