- KerPlunk game is a nerveracking game of skill
- Marbles roll down the chute if you dislodge them
- 4 KerPlunkin’ games
- Easy setup
Test your skills and your nerves with the KerPlunk game! Is your hand steady enough to pull out the sticks without dislodging the marbles? If it isn’t, they’ll come rolling down the chute! Finish with the fewest marbles for the win! You can start with KerPlunked, the basic game and then move on to more challenging games like Golden Ball, Tricksy Trays and Hot Sticks. Then you and your friends can invent your own games! Can you take the nailbiting fun of KerPlunk? There’s only one way to find out! KerPlunk and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.